Kristin Reimer

Frances Brodeur


Originally from Massachusetts, Frances Brodeur is a freelance flutist and celebrated flute teacher based out of Brooklyn, New York. Frances began her formal flute studies at Boston Conservatory of Music where her teachers included members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the Boston Ballet. After moving to NYC, Frances eventually found herself at Brooklyn College Conservatory of Music completing her B.M. under the guidance of Bernard Goldberg of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. She later earned her M.A. in flute performance at the Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College under the guidance of Linda Chesis and then later studied with members of the NY Phil, MET, and L.A. Phil.
Frances has performed with numerous distinguished regional and professional orchestras on both flute and piccolo including the Staten Island Symphony, Bronx Symphony, New Jersey City University Orchestra, Regina Opera and Salisbury Sinfonietta. Most recently, she has been performing newly composed works and traditional chamber music with the Park Slope Chamber Players. She can also be heard on the Centaur record label with the same group.
Frances maintains an active private flute studio and is also on the faculty of St. Anns, Park Slope Music Lessons, and the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music where she teaches at P.S. 321 through the Music Partners Program.
Frances has been playing with the String Orchestra of Brooklyn since 2008.