New York-based composer and artist Tristan Perich explores sound and image through the interaction of simple digital processes with the physical world. His music often combines traditional acoustic ensembles on stage with arrays of loudspeakers, connected to hand-built 1-bit audio circuits. The WIRE Magazine describes his compositions as “an austere meeting of electronic and organic.” His works for soloist, ensemble, and orchestra have been performed internationally at venues as diverse as the Whitney Museum, Merkin Hall, Issue Project Room, Zipper Hall, Lentos Museum and Mass MoCA. As a visual artist, he has had solo exhibitions at bitforms gallery (NYC), Mikrogalleriet (Copenhagen), the Addison Gallery (Andover), the Katonah Museum, Museo Carandente (Spoleto) and Monster Truck (Dublin). His recent circuit album, 1-Bit Symphony, is available from Cantaloupe Music; the London Daily Telegraph writes: “From these meagre components he fashions strikingly ambitious and emotionally resonant compositions… as affecting as any piece of music that’s been released this year.”